Monday, January 20, 2014

Enduring to End in Bellevue ;)

Hey Family! 

I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry this email is getting
 out a bit late but we weren't even planning on emailing today with the holiday. But seeing how we have a computer lab in our apartment office, we decided to take advantage of that while we don't have anything to do. Mostly because we don't have a car and it's really windy and crappy outside. It was in the 60's yesterday though haha. 

This past week was pretty good. I mean it wasn't the greatest but we
 did get to see Tom and he's still doing good. He just needs to come to church. His wife is not helping in that aspect. They've been to church once and she thinks it's too boring. She like the "Christian Calvary Church" because it has rock bands and free coffee. I think I'vealready mentioned all of this but whatevs I'm doing it again. Tom mentioned he doesn't want to split up the family by going to a different church so Sylvia just needs to quit being so stubborn. 

 than that nothing too crazy happened. Just another week. I'm getting a little sick of Bellevue so my motivation has taken a hit, but I know I need to keep working and stop worrying about it. I'll get a change of scenery soon enough. But in the meantime I'll make the best of my stay here. 

We had a nice talk with a less active member this week. John
 Peoples. I believe I mentioned him before. He says he's really good at basketball and we clarified with him and he said he "used to" be able to dunk but can't anymore. He's only 29 but I guess he broke his ankle a while back among other things. But he opened up with us and we had a nice talk with him. That was on Saturday and he said he know's he needs to make it to church and said he was going to but he didn't. Why is it so darn hard for people to make it to church? I mean I understand if you have work or something, but if you don't and it's at 11 I can't think of many excuses to not come. But whatever hopefully we can get him to come next week. 

Oh but another less active member did come to church
 today--Danny Rameriz. He is a pretty cool guy. I think his wife was the main underlying reason behind his inactivity. She is on vacation in California or something and now he's pretty easy to go and see and he came to church. Weird how it works out like that. 

Speaking of less
 actives the Brosnan's have not come to church for a long time. I'm pretty sure it's because they're smoking (we've asked them about it but they denied it) and are ashamed or something but since they're denying it, it makes it a pretty tough situation to go about. 

But yeah
 anyways today was a pretty decent day. We played basketball pretty early since no one else is doing emails today. After basketball we went to old market in downtown Omaha and browsed around a bit. Antiques are cool and all but I get pretty bored of them after about 30 minutes. Oh and we did get some lunch at a cheesesteak place called Pepperjack's and it was expensive so sorry about that. But was pretty good so that's neat I guess. Not as good as DP though. We're going tohave to hit that place up when I get back but in the meantime Pepperjacks will suffice. 

We don't have the car this week so it should
 be a fun one. Hopefully we can make it out to the further out places and try to see some people. I'm going to close this up. 

I love you
 all! Have a wonderful week everyone! I hope all the people who are in California are having fun. 

Oh I did catch part of the Seattle and 49er
 game last night. I'll definitely be rooting for the Bronco's haha. Especially after that class act showing by that cornerback in the post game interview. Have a great week everyone!

Elder Ballif

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